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来源:伟德国际BETVLCTOR 供稿人: 发布时间:2022-03-07 点击数:






  1. 2019.3 关联规则集上的知识发现(61502150)国家自然基金结项第2参与人

  2. 2018.10 *****JZH管理系统研究发。国家级军工,结项,第2参与人

  3. 2018.10 ***平台模型研发。国家级军工,结项,第2参与人

  4. 2019.10 ***软件适应性修改。国家级军工,结项,第3参与人,


    1Bioinformatics Data Mining Using an Improved Boosting Method and Chous pseudo amino acid composition. 2012, Vol.7(5):187-193. Journal of Convergence Information Technology EI收录

    2Bioinformatics Data Mining Using a Novel Boosting Algorithm 2013,v49,n19,p:122-134. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics EI收录

    3Study on P2P Service Bearer Method for Passive Optical Network for Long Distance and Wide AccessJournal of Optical Communications. EI收录。



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